
thats for u to find out

Friday, April 22, 2005


Do we live pre-Destined lives??
Do we make our own Destiny??
Lets assume we have a choice:::
1) pre-destined
Then nothin is in our hands
All we have to do is sit still
And things will just happen
The way they are destined to.
2)make our own destiny
Then everything is in our hands
And we know what the result will be
No surprises, no shocks
Life will be a simple mathematical expression
nither is entirely true
In this world nothing is perfect

We live Pre-Destined lives in which we make our own Destiny!!!

Thursday, April 21, 2005


I was just thinkin about his a while back.......
no matter how brave a person is he will always have somethin to fear.
it may not be fear of reptiles or fear of drowning,
it may not be arachnophobia or claustrophobia,
it may not be fear for his own life.
but deep down i'm certain he fears loss.....
loss of his loved ones.
coz however dispassionate a person is,
he is bound to be attached to somethin or someone.
"well what is ur point" u ask?
my point is that no matter how many fears of urs u conquer
u will always fear losing the object of ur affection
the thing u treasure and feel most passionate about.
axn's fear factor only proves
people can overcome small physical and mental fears
but nothing related to loss of life.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Love !!!

Say it's a form of heat that doesn't riseBut passes from one body to the next.Say it flows through you and then outAnd back in again like some ghostly threadWeaving a basic pattern inside of youThat will slowly begin to take the shapeOf what you'll think you can describe.

Thursday, April 14, 2005


The other day a friend of mine and i were discussing why souls were created and we came up with this idea. i had thought of this a couple of times before and didn't actually dwell into it and when i mentioned it to her we discussed it and i thought i should share it.......
Like man invents machines & toys and puts them thru different tasks to test their ability
God has created his toys (us humans) and is testing our ability and strengths and weaknesses
Those beings that don't break under the pressure move on thru the different stages of being and then attain moksha
And those of us who give in , slide down the ladder and are finally destroyed in the furnace of hell.
where do u see urself ????

Sunday, April 10, 2005

my friends tell me that i'm gettin very philosophical.... well guys i've really been thinkin about this stuff alot. and none of u seem to be using ur grey cells here. where the heck are the comments and thoughts. there is no use just readin it i want some input. PRONTO. Its no wonder i havent felt like posting stuff on here. i might as well keep my thoughts in my diary. Well since i'm in the "philosophical" mode i might as well get on with it. LIFE is such an unpredictable thing isn't it?
When u think u're at the top of the world and that things can't get any better... they do
And when u think u're doomed u find that there is hope yet
LIFE is such amazing roller coaster
U never know when it can send a chill down ur spine
Or radiate warmth thru ur every cell
Life is much shorter than u think
Live each moment like its ur last
And u'll never regrett a moment of it
Hold on tight coz u're in for one heck of a ride


my friends tell me that i'm gettin very philosophical.... well guys i've really been thinkin about this stuff alot. and none of u seem to be using ur grey cells here. where the heck are the comments and thoughts. there is no use just readin it i want some input. PRONTO.
Its no wonder i havent felt like posting stuff on here. i might as well keep my thoughts in my diary.
Well since i'm in the "philosophical" mode i might as well get on with it.

LIFE is such an unpredictable thing isn't it?
When u think u're at the top of the world and that things can't get any better... they do
And when u think u're doomed u find that there is hope yet
LIFE is one amazing roller coaster
U never know when it can send a chill down ur spine
Or radiate warmth thru ur every cell
Life is much shorter than u think
Live each moment like its ur last
And u'll never regrett a moment of it
Hold on tight coz u're in for one heck of a ride