Do we live pre-Destined lives??
Do we make our own Destiny??
Lets assume we have a choice:::
1) pre-destined
Then nothin is in our hands
All we have to do is sit still
And things will just happen
The way they are destined to.
2)make our own destiny
Then everything is in our hands
And we know what the result will be
No surprises, no shocks
Life will be a simple mathematical expression
nither is entirely true
In this world nothing is perfect
We live Pre-Destined lives in which we make our own Destiny!!!
Do we make our own Destiny??
Lets assume we have a choice:::
1) pre-destined
Then nothin is in our hands
All we have to do is sit still
And things will just happen
The way they are destined to.
2)make our own destiny
Then everything is in our hands
And we know what the result will be
No surprises, no shocks
Life will be a simple mathematical expression
nither is entirely true
In this world nothing is perfect
We live Pre-Destined lives in which we make our own Destiny!!!