
thats for u to find out

Sunday, April 10, 2005

my friends tell me that i'm gettin very philosophical.... well guys i've really been thinkin about this stuff alot. and none of u seem to be using ur grey cells here. where the heck are the comments and thoughts. there is no use just readin it i want some input. PRONTO. Its no wonder i havent felt like posting stuff on here. i might as well keep my thoughts in my diary. Well since i'm in the "philosophical" mode i might as well get on with it. LIFE is such an unpredictable thing isn't it?
When u think u're at the top of the world and that things can't get any better... they do
And when u think u're doomed u find that there is hope yet
LIFE is such amazing roller coaster
U never know when it can send a chill down ur spine
Or radiate warmth thru ur every cell
Life is much shorter than u think
Live each moment like its ur last
And u'll never regrett a moment of it
Hold on tight coz u're in for one heck of a ride


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Amrita.. first off, i love ur blog ! Ur thoughts are very interesting & thought provoking. truth be told, i agree with ur paradigm mostly but with a twist of my own ..and since my iq score peaked at 167, i've decided to comment ;)
On life.. yea, it's very unpredictable. i always say.. NOTHING is forever. but that's not meant in a negative manner.. just real. besides, change implies new experiences ..and in my opinion every experience is a great one ..just so long as you can learn & grow from it ! Life is a gift ..true.. a gift of an opportunity to grow .. and therein lies the purpose of life.. learning. every birth is like a new class or grade, wherein each one of us has their own lessons to learn ..if u succeed in imbibing ur share, ur promoted to the next class or life of advanced learning and so on until u attain moksha ..and if u fail, then.. well u've gotta do it all over again ..don't u !?!
Life IS short indeed ..'tis but a small step. live for the moment, bear no regret and always keep moving :)
FAITH.. is the strength, use it.
Of such origins are my thoughts :)

4:16 PM  
Blogger fashionista-o-estilista said...

LIFE is ever changing and thats what makes it so interesting and not a monotonous drag...... but that does not mean that change is always welcome. LIFE is worth living and each one will learn. we all start off as an empty glass and fill it up as we learn from experiences... good or bad.
my glass may look half empty to the others but to me it is half full.
i for certain can tell u that i have not regretted even one moment in my life....i have lots of moments i wish i could live thru again but not one i would change(except maybe our accident in 1997)
i look back at my child hood with fondness at those loving memories my family gave me...those memories that i will always cherish.
everything i am now is because of my past but i wouldnt dwell in it too much...i'd rather look to the present and future to make a better me.
by the way samir.... the very first time i took an iq test(couple of months back) i scored
151(highly intelligent-genius). with a lil effort i should be able to reach ur score.
thanx for commenting... keep doin so.and writin some more of ur thoughts. the last time jasbir uncle was here i had shown him some of the stuff i had written and he said he liked it alot and also shared some of his views with me. if he is free could u ask him to read this stuff and comment on it too??

2:47 PM  

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