
thats for u to find out

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Ahhhhhh I've been blogged.... oops i mean tagged.... honest mistake...
thanks krithika....
my life has just been made so much cooler.... i have to answer 20 questions...yayeee
ok here goes

1. Pick out a scar you have, and explain how you got it:
A scar on my right eyebrow.... beds are meant to be lay down on...i know that now but i apparently didn't when i went and hit my head on the corner of the bed...
(actually i fell....poooor me)

2. What is on the walls in your room?
my dad painted a scene of seagulls flying toward the sun... he was inspired by our favourite book 'Jonathan Livingston Seagull'.
And a few of my paintings.
oh how could i forget the pencil marks near the door, markin my height at different stages of my life.

3. What does your phone look like.
Its a cool Ericsson Walkman phone. (my fourth since i started using cells but the first that i got with my own earnings) i have covered it with a rubber sheath and some say i'm makin it look ugly. why u ask? coz on the day i bought it i dropped it under a cab, a centimeter away from the tyre, if the vehicle had moved foward even a bit, the cell would have been crushed, and so would my heart.....(there have been many more tumbles for the poor thing since then)

4. What music do you listen to?
all kinds.....
where is the line drawn between music and noise?? just curious

5. What is your current desktop picture?
at home it is a dress i designed, here it is a scene of 5 dolphins swimmin in cool clear blue water.

6. What do you want more than anything right now?
That is something i shall reveal when i've got it.....(a word of advice - don't hold ur breath its gonna be awhile.)

7. Do you believe in gay marriage?
Everyone shld learn to respect other ppls privacy.... its their life, its their right

8. What time were you born?
9.30 am

9. Are your parents still together?

10. What are you listening to?
my manager talk

12. The last person to make you cry?
i don't reveal names

13. What is your favourite perfume/cologne?
Beautiful- Estee Lauder

14. What kind of hair/eye colour do you like on the opposite sex?
Black/Black or darkbrown/darkbrown

15. Do you like pain killers?
nah... i try to be all strong and try to stretch or sleep through my pain. (it works most times)

16. Are you too shy to ask someone out?
nah not too shy but have too big an ego....he he.... but if the right guy comes along(no one even comes close at the moment) i just might.

17. Fave pizza topping?
Chicken n cheese

18. If you could eat anything right now, what would it be?
Biryani.... my mouth is waterin

19. Who was the last person you made mad?
i love buggin my mom and sis, and they get really mad but it doesn't last too long.... coz i'm an adorable darling.... no one can stay mad at me.

20. Is anyone in love with you?


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