
thats for u to find out

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I'm trying to figure out why I have not written in so long. I used to blog atleast every week. This is wht I have narrowed it down to.
1. I'm too busy with work
2. I'm too busy trying to make plans to study
3. I'm just lazy
4. I'm losing thousands of braincells a minute.
I used to write abt such deep stuff, stuff tht really invoked thinking, questions and doubts.
There is a lot going on... so I shld write more. Will try.
~ A

Friday, May 30, 2008


I signed up with Global Giving today. It is a website dedicated to helping people help others. If you can't be there to actually help you can help by making donations or by just spreading the word.

"If you can't feed a hundred people then just feed one."
- Mother Teresa

"No one has ever become poor from giving."
- Anne Frank.

So do what little you can, coz a small step taken by us will take someone a long way.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


That is my dog “name with-held on request”

Just for convenience I’m gonna call him L.

My dog L, ran out of the house yesterday.

He has done this before, but only during Diwali when the sounds of the fire crackers get to him and we aren’t at home. So my sis or I make it a point to stay home. But yesterday, almost 2 weeks after Diwali, some moron near my house decided that our planet wasn’t polluted enough and brought out the fireworks.

My sister and I, at 6 this morning were trying to figure out why he does that…. Run out where its louder and unsafe:

1) Maybe he was looking for us;
2) Maybe he feels we’d all be safer together;
3) Maybe he wants to protect us;

I know…. The last one is the most outrageous….. But I was giving L the benefit of the doubt.
But finally we decided…. L IS JUST DUMB…CUTE DUMB but none the less DUMB.

He really lived up to his name…. real L_ _ _ _!

My mom was in her room and my other dog F kept running to the door and back to her, barking. That’s when my mom realized that L was missing.
L had run across the road. Not just any road….. but a huge, dangerous crowded main road in front of my house. And believe me when I say he was extremely fortunate. Before the divider came up there used to be an accident almost every alternate day.

Ne way, my mom got him back. During all this my sister and I were at jubilee hills.

I have to go and buy acrylic sheets and seal the grill and gates….



Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Finally... time to blog....

Juggling studies and work is gettin very tiring.
But i wonder if it is the thought of having to do both that makes me more tired, than actually doing it.
Thats most of whats goin on with me.... the other stuff, I just can't put up here.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Ahhhhhh I've been blogged.... oops i mean tagged.... honest mistake...
thanks krithika....
my life has just been made so much cooler.... i have to answer 20 questions...yayeee
ok here goes

1. Pick out a scar you have, and explain how you got it:
A scar on my right eyebrow.... beds are meant to be lay down on...i know that now but i apparently didn't when i went and hit my head on the corner of the bed...
(actually i fell....poooor me)

2. What is on the walls in your room?
my dad painted a scene of seagulls flying toward the sun... he was inspired by our favourite book 'Jonathan Livingston Seagull'.
And a few of my paintings.
oh how could i forget the pencil marks near the door, markin my height at different stages of my life.

3. What does your phone look like.
Its a cool Ericsson Walkman phone. (my fourth since i started using cells but the first that i got with my own earnings) i have covered it with a rubber sheath and some say i'm makin it look ugly. why u ask? coz on the day i bought it i dropped it under a cab, a centimeter away from the tyre, if the vehicle had moved foward even a bit, the cell would have been crushed, and so would my heart.....(there have been many more tumbles for the poor thing since then)

4. What music do you listen to?
all kinds.....
where is the line drawn between music and noise?? just curious

5. What is your current desktop picture?
at home it is a dress i designed, here it is a scene of 5 dolphins swimmin in cool clear blue water.

6. What do you want more than anything right now?
That is something i shall reveal when i've got it.....(a word of advice - don't hold ur breath its gonna be awhile.)

7. Do you believe in gay marriage?
Everyone shld learn to respect other ppls privacy.... its their life, its their right

8. What time were you born?
9.30 am

9. Are your parents still together?

10. What are you listening to?
my manager talk

12. The last person to make you cry?
i don't reveal names

13. What is your favourite perfume/cologne?
Beautiful- Estee Lauder

14. What kind of hair/eye colour do you like on the opposite sex?
Black/Black or darkbrown/darkbrown

15. Do you like pain killers?
nah... i try to be all strong and try to stretch or sleep through my pain. (it works most times)

16. Are you too shy to ask someone out?
nah not too shy but have too big an ego....he he.... but if the right guy comes along(no one even comes close at the moment) i just might.

17. Fave pizza topping?
Chicken n cheese

18. If you could eat anything right now, what would it be?
Biryani.... my mouth is waterin

19. Who was the last person you made mad?
i love buggin my mom and sis, and they get really mad but it doesn't last too long.... coz i'm an adorable darling.... no one can stay mad at me.

20. Is anyone in love with you?

Friday, May 11, 2007


one of the formal definitions of the above word is " formally making a person known to another or to the public".
Nowhere in the list of definitions did it say TORTURE.
yep thats what it is, when you have to introduce urself to almost 100 ppl from different depts. As if thats not bad enough i wasn't allowed to say my name, i had to give clues and ppl had to guess.
God's nectar, and starts with the first letter of the alphabet.
Can anyone get more clear about it???
i doubt it.
and ppl i had assigned to guessin my name, made me wait for a few more torturous moments before they finally helped me out of my misery.
Yes i can be thankful that i wasn't asked questions. But i'm not feeling very optimistic rite now. Its like getting a finger cut off, and instead of crying in pain u thank god ur other fingers are intact. (OK well i am exaggeratin a bit, but u get the point... if u don't, call me and we'll discuss).
My view to all this, if u're interested is that i am an interesting person(even if i have to say so myself ;) ) and everyone else around me is interesting in their own ways too. so why does anyone feel the need to force us into intros??
yea so a 100 odd ppl in the co now know my name? do i know any of theirs??(apart from the ones i knew before)................ NO
So what was the big point??
except i think that it gave some ppl a gr8 deal of pleasure.
Not that i'm complaining.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Man i always thought the world was small, but just how small??

Really Really Small. Believe me.

in the last 2 weeks i have met, recieved mails, or chatted with a whole load people who i lost touch with for yrs....

and get this
we found that we have a whole load of common friends/ colleagues. i caught up with 2 guys from my primary school, a girl from my 10th std, 2 guys from college, a girl who is the sister of my college classmate.
for five yrs after my 10th i didn't stay in touch with my classmates except a few(for many reasons). but now we are all on orkut so whether ppl like it or not everyone has a medium of contact.
a colleague of mine from infy is here at de shaw...
and a couple more.

I should get back to work now.... will give more updates on a regular basis

New place of work

i've gotten back to work, i am now an emloyee of D. E. Shaw co. hyd....(have been since may 1st 07)
its damn cool out here. i'm getting the best of everything.... listing it out here...
1) i get to go back home to my family(doggies included) and my bed each nite.
2) i DON'T have to COOK, clean or do anythin unless i want to...
3) i eat fresh fruits and vegetables everyday and good homemade food
(for those who don't know " one fine saturday morning in the month of jan in b'lore i woke up to the fact that i hadnt eatin any fresh fruit or veg for 3 whole weeks.... 3 whole weeks that is 21 days. i freaked, ran out to the market and bought loads of fruits and vegs. didnt know what to make with the vegs so i just boiled them and thats what i ate the whole weekend) my way of makin up for three weeks of eating junk.
4) don' t have to pay for any living expenses, bills, rent etc
5) everyone on my team at DE Shaw are graduates avg age is 21.... really fun environ, flexible timings, real cool...

yep i realised i've used the word cool more than once, but it honestly is, and its not just the airconditioning ;)

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Gone full circle!

Guess where i am,

Back home. ..... Seven months in b'lore and i just about had enough. first couple of months were great. made me feel all grown up and mature. but then the novelty of the whole living alone thing kinda wore off..

Things that i got to do that i may not have been able to do back home (some have been ommitted, to ensure that i live longer-- hehe)
1. Have to cook my own food ( i could have done without learning this)
2. Due to bad results of the above, i had to eat maggi noodles 90% of the time or get take out.
3. Could go for long drives at anytime (coz i was allowed to take my car down)
4. Handled a move from one end of the city into an apartment at the other end. (all on my own!!. packed everything and got the movers to carry it)
5. Travel alot alone.
6. Though mostly into computers, got hands on experience in recruitment.
7. Know most of the roads in bangalore.
8. Learnt a lil kannada.

will add to the list later....

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

found a 2 bhk independent cute lil house with a slopin roof, a terrace and everythin, and have been livin there since july.... now i'm movin into a 1 bhk apartment owned by my family and no more rent... hurray! livin alone has been a cool experience so far.... after initially having been overcome by homebound nostalgia, i now only experience bouts of it periodically.. and i have to admit.. talking to everyone back home almost 3-4 times each day has made life easier.

Now all that i have to do is get back into a systemic way of life in my new place... but i'm givin my self till this year end so i guess it won't be too hard.

People seem to have a lot to say ..... but actually do very little. how many ppl live by the values that they claim to have?

Friday, May 19, 2006


i've been online apartment hunting for the last week or so..... and all the best deals seem to be gone.... n e ways my search is still on and at the rate its going i'll have one perfect one(hopefully close to center of the city) by mon. Man my phone bill is rocketing with all the std calls i'm having to make. i never thought it'd be so hard to find a good place to stay.

Now i know better.

COUNTDOWN....3, 2, 1....

Two days to go.... not enough time to say bye to everyone and everything around me. But i shall start now....
Goodbye family and my pups
Goodbye friends(especially leo and nav)
Goodbye stray dogs i adopted
Goodbye my room
Goodbye painting which my dad painted on the wall
Goodbye my bed
Goodbye my roll top table
Goodbye my bathroom
Goodbye my study table
Goodbye my trunk of art stuff
Goodbye my dear walk in closet
Goodbye my bahroom and bedroom doors
Goodbye my large mirror
Goodbye my floor
Goodbye my ceiling
Goodbye my lovely tv
Goodbye my drawing room couch on which i spent all my nites studying for exams
Goodbye my kitchen
Goodbye all the lights and fans
Goodbye my home
Goodbye my sbi branch
Goodbye my accident prone main rd
Goodbye Paradise
Goodbye Nanking
Goodbye Blue diamond
Goodbye haiking
Goodbye nizam college
Goodbye Secbad club
Goodbye Sailing club
Goodbye Nizam club
Goodbye 10 D
Goodbye to all my haunts....
Goodbye HYDERABAD!!!
Atleast until i'm back for the vacations....

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

I am aGraduate..... or so i hope

I finished my three years of degree yesterday. I am finally a graduate entering the world of the working man. Or atleast i hope that the college won't think they'd miss me too much and decide that i should stay back...... pray for me. yeneways i've been awake for 42 hours straight so i'm kinda wired. c ya


Sunday, April 23, 2006

B'lore here i come.

I am movin. Just me movin 600 odd kms away from home. leavin all that i've known for the last 20 years of my life(ok that is all my life) to start a new in b'lore. why u ask? coz i got a pretty cool job there, thats why.

mixture of emotions here......which i'm sure is gonna get very explosive very soon. excitement, fear, curiosity, happiness, sad, impatient..... to name a few. 20 days from now i'll be a hyderabadi livin in b'lore.............. thats a big big Change for me. Livin away from home for more than a couple of weeks...